SEO Research
Where do I start? What keywords and phrases should I be using? How much will this cost? These are all typical questions we get every day from new clients. Doing your SEO research even before building your website is key to success. Too many clients build their website first and then do their SEO research as a second task – it should be your first priority! We can help you perform all the necessary SEO research required and provide it in a format that suits your requirements.
SEO Strategy
So I know what keywords and phrases I want to target, but what do I do next? Which keywords and phrases should I use on different platforms? How can I use these in my Social Media channels? A clear SEO strategy is key to success and should underpin all your SEO projects and related activities. We can help build you that strategy and achieve your goals. SEO is not an instant traffic boosting solution, but think of it more as a mid to long term investment to get the right people to the right page on your website or other web channel.
SEO Planning & Implementation
Why do I need to plan the implementation of my chosen keywords and phrases? Well, in simple terms, without planning you may be implementing keywords that, whilst will bring you relevant traffic, might not be the best ones to use initially to get the best return for your efforts. We can build you a simple plan to follow, that will ensure you implement the right keywords at the best time.